We provide professional software delivery with a personal touch
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We respect code

We pride ourselves on producing high quality, well tested software. Along with enterprise level Microsoft technologies, we leverage open source components and frameworks to develop a unique product for you.

We're attentive

We're small, but capable of delivering big things; we've designed and implemented wide-scale, global systems used by thousands of people, and have a wide network of excellent techies to call upon when needed.

We're flexible

Our software runs business critical operations that don't stop working when you do. We can manage deployment to your own servers, or provide a range of fully managed services dependent on your needs.

Our Technologies

AngularMicrosoft .Net CoreNuGetTypeScriptASP.Net WebAPImongoDBPowerShellUnity 3DNode.jsnpmjQueryWindowsSQL Server Integration ServicesInternet Information ServicesBarclaycard ePDQJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)Worldpay Merchant ServicesxUnit.netMicrosoft .Net WCFNUnitMicrosoft .Net FrameworkVisual Studio OnlinePayPalMicrosoft Team Foundation ServerASP.Net MVCCSS 3JavaScriptSQL ServergitHTML 5

About Shadow Moses Developments

We have a proven track record in making businesses run more smoothly. With over 20 years of experience optimising processes, technical solution design and development, you can be sure that your new software project is in safe hands.

We've helped businesses of all sizes - from one-man-bands to global brands, covering a huge range of industries and sectors.

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