Healthcare: Rehabilitation Social Network

  • Consultation & technical advice for a healthcare start-up
  • In-depth analysis of medical procedures and work flows
  • Provision of Software Design Specification for a complex, multifaceted web & mobile app
  • App / website branding, typography & iconography

We were referred to a local start-up that was in need of guidance of how to bring a mobile app to market. They secured our consultancy services to advise on the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and to design, cost, plan and prototype their idea.

Advice, branding, design & prototype

At the time of contact the start-up had no experience of the SDLC and simply required someone to point them in the right direction. After gathering some basic requirements from the initial consultation it became clear that the project would be very large and complex, involving many parties.

The start-up expressed a desire to create a local team of technical staff that would be able to develop and support their ideas, and to develop a brand identity for the new product to aid in presentations.

Due to the sensitive nature of the project, most details are under a strict NDA. This case study attempts to outline our involvement in the process.


We were initially asked to provide an advice only service, which drove the start-up's direction and decision making process. Initial budgets were discussed and a number of avenues were explored. This lead to extending our engagement to include many of our other services including requirement gathering, technical architecture and prototyping.

It was quickly agreed that financing would be required in order to complete the project; the entrepreneurs set out to explore their investment options whilst we focussed on delivering stakeholder focussed documentation and designs.

A number of consultations were completed which allowed us to compile a comprehensive list of functional requirements. These requirements were collated into a document and signed off by the entrepreneurs, followed by us providing some high level project costing figures estimated at just over £2 million.

As the entrepreneurs navigated the finance route we provided a number of reports and technical documents for investors, healthcare bodies and suppliers, whilst also compiling a high level Software Design Specification detailing the various software components that would be involved.


We sourced an award winning graphic designer to complete all branding, typographical and iconography work. We agreed deliverables, gathered feedback and presented mocks and finals to the client for sign-off.


A requirement grew for Minimal Viable Product to be delivered, and a substantial amount of time was put into developing a prototype using the latest front-end frameworks. This involved a number of verbose healthcare forms that were designed to query and interact with multiple 3rd party systems. A complex relational database was also designed, implemented and filled with data for testing purposes.

Key Features

  • Consultation and advice on the SDLC
  • Provision of technical documentation
  • Detailed analysis of medical procedures
  • Design and implementation of complex relational database
  • Branding guidelines, iconography and typography development
  • MVP Prototyping

Technologies Used

ASP.Net WebAPIAngularnpmHTML 5CSS 3Microsoft .Net FrameworkxUnit.netVisual Studio OnlineSQL ServerTypeScriptNode.jsWindowsgitPowerShellNuGetInternet Information ServicesJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)SQL Server Integration Services

The Results

The provision of our consultancy services accelerated the start-up's decision making process, supported them whilst navigating the investment world, and allowed them to sign an investment deal to accelerate their route to market.

At the time of writing the product is under consumer testing and development as part of the investment deal.

Other Case Studies

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